Wednesday, August 18, 2010

That thing we have...

I don't know what it is. That burning desire inside each of us that fuels our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. You know what I'm talking about, that little machine hidden away behind our sternum that makes your heart beat faster and faster as you start thinking about that thing you love.

It's that feeling that I get everytime I pick up the phone to do an interview with someone like "Switchfoot" or when I'm about to step on stage and belt it out in front of a couple thousand people. It's that feeling that I'm sure to feel in a few months right before I say those 2 words that changes every guys life... "I Do".

It's that nervous energy, or at least that's what they call it. It's a seriously powerful feeling. One moment you think that your heart is going to jump right out of your chest, the next you feel like you could take on the world.

I'm one of those guys who like to think that it's God's way of telling me that I'm on the right track. Like a "metal detector" if you will. As I get closer and closer to where I'm suppose to be, the old ticker lights up and the butterflies come out telling me "that a way kiddo!"

But as with most metal detectors, once the ole indicator goes off, you have to dig. You have to go through plenty of nasty, filthy, dirt to get to that real thing you want. You may not enjoy the work it takes to get to it, but the pay-off is usually worth it.

So my advice to you today friends, follow your heart/dream detector. Then dig. It might take a while to get through the dirt, but in the end... it's worth it.

Dream Big,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Techno Geek...

If you know me, you understand that I am a tech guy. I despise paper and pens, little calendar books are not for me. It's nearly impossible for me to go a day without my macbook and iphone, and trust me, if I wasn't worried about life after our wedding, I would be typing this blog on an ipad.

It never ceases to amaze me the advances of technology. The things that we use everyday such as that phone in your pocket, we tend to take for granted. Just go back in time as little as 10 years ago, there was no such thing as Facebook, YouTube, or iTunes.


There was no iPhone, Blackberry, or 3G. The most impressive thing on a cell phone was "Snake".

HD wasn't even a thought, no one had ever heard of Netflix. We didn't know what an Xbox or Wii was. Cars didn't have backup rearview cameras, ipod connectivity (not to mention ipods), or build in navigation.

The point of the story kiddos, is that we are living in the biggest innovative boom since the lightbulb was featured on (for those of you who don't understand humor, that was a joke). We are a society that lives, eats, and breathes technology. It literally engulfs everything we do. From our entertainment, business, and everything in between.

So next time you search the Urban Spoon app on your iphone to figure out where to go eat dinner (in the town you've lived in your entire life) just remember the "olden days" of the 1990's. You could have to actually think about it.

Dream Big,
Craig Woodson